I met Jon Long, one of the sons of the owner of Long McQuade in 2007 when I was getting a lot of CD orders from employees of Long McQuade. Asking why, I was told that Jon Long had recommended my company ((dbsDuplication) . I went to the store to thank Jon Long, and his reply was that I should take the current BIA newsletter for Bloor and turn it into a newspaper and make sure I featured local musicians and bands. Jon Long was active in encouraging fellow members of the local BIA to advertise, launching the first Bloor News., which branched out into various neighbourhoods over the years. After a few more visits Jon went on to have me videotape all of his “Jon Long’s Danforth Jam”, in hopes that the exposure would encourage people to attend his events.
Entertainmentagency.ca was designed for Jon, who passed away suddenly on April 20, 2018. It was a devastating loss to the music community, and to the many of us who loved him.
Standard Definition 2007